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Types of Projects


World Story Exchange partners with teachers, schools and community organizations globally to facilitate projects that involve creative art explorations, photography, and documentary storytelling.   We encourage youth to share their voice while exploring stories told by other youth from around the world. Through this cultural exchange, we believe we will become a more tolerant and accepting human family. 


Every World Story Exchange project is different; we shape projects based on the goals and ideas of the partnering teacher or organization.  Projects are scalable in duration.  Cost-wise, we work on a sliding scale depending on partners’ budgets.  Here is a list of some of our most popular types of projects, from simple to complex.

Screening: (can host a # of screenings, hosted in auditorium/classroom)

Lindsay and Scott facilitate a film screening of youth-made films from around the world. We would answer questions related to the films or about teaching overseas. 


Multimedia Projects: (projects vary in size based on # of students, days, computer resources, and additional pre/post production work) 


Creative Photography 

Students will learn both technical and creative photographic skills, while utilizing the camera as a tool for art and storytelling. Students could make pictures at school, on a field-trip or at home. Each student would choose a photograph to print for an art show.

1-5 days, result: photography show case and slide show.


Look What We Found - at Our School!   

Invites students to make pictures of their school and grounds through various photographic prompts. Then choose one and add an accompanying artist statement.  It’s a beautiful discovery to see what they find! 

1-5 days, result: photography showcase and slide show.


Photographs to Accompany...   

Students make photographs to accompany a poem, story, science experiment or on-going project.

1-5 days, result: multi-media story.


A Day in My Life

Students create a photo/video/audio story about a Day in My Life.  Students meet for five days. On day 2 or 3, students take home a WSE camera to document a day in their life.  Students edit their own photo stories and write an audio narration to accompany their photos/videos.

5-7 days, result: multiple short films.


Community Documentary

Students work in small groups to explore a local issue by interviewing community members while visiting local places. Students would edit a short film with their findings.

5-7 days, result: multiple short films


My Message

Students create a photo/video/audio story that captures their personal message for their community and/or world. Students will make photos both at school and at home to accompany their audio message. 

4-7 days, result: multiple short films.

about a new project today!

Norwich, Vermont, USA

© 2024 Scott McClure Miller & Lindsay McClure Miller


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